Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
QHHT is a technique that was developed by Hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon over a career of more than 45 years. This method was developed to help each client to heal themselves and receive the information and understanding that is appropriate for them in a relaxing and safe environment. I am certified to practice her method with my own clients.
People want a QHHT session for many different reasons. Some have a physical issue or disease that they want healing with. Some want to know their life purpose or how to proceed in this life. Other people have emotional issues or relationship problems. Still others have questions about reality and consciousness itself and are looking for answers. Dolores wrote many books on the information that she got using this method.
What to expect
The session will last from 3 - 5 hours. When you come to the session we start out talking about your questions and issues. This is very important. The more that we cover during the pre-talk the more that you will open up during the session. And the more that I know what questions to ask during the session to get the information you want. Once I begin the relaxing induction you will see how easy and natural hypnosis is. Your higher self then guides you back to an experience that will help you understand what you are experiencing now. Usually a past life or two but sometimes earlier in this life or even a life on another planet. An important part of the QHHT session is when I speak to your Higher Self. The Higher Self is beyond the couscous part of the mind. The higher Self can answer your questions and even do healings when appropriate.
The Higher Self is the larger, universally connected part of each one of us. It is always there, always communicating and it sees the bigger picture. It knows everything about each of us and it wants to help each one of us in the best way possible with our understanding and permission. This together with a person's openness is all that's needed. My part is to be the guide. I keep the session going to get the information that the client wants. I love this kind of work. This can be a life enhancing experience for the client.
I am not a kind of person who says things like "life-altering" but this session truly was.
I am suprised at the profound effect of the session that I didn't feel during. I always feel wonderful during spiritual healing sessions but those wonderful feelings quickly get buried in hectic everyday life. The effect of this session has not faded although I have been very busy. So much new information comes everyday and answers questions I have struggled with for a long time. So much clarity has come and is still coming.
Thank you so much for the wonderful session! Soojin
With John's amazing Hypnotherapy and QHHT work he helped me clear some Big Blocks in my life and achieve things I wasn't able to before working with him. His attention to detail and methodical work provided a safe space for me to transform in. I would highly recommend him to anyone. Cynthea Della Paul, Holistic Health Practitioner